
Brisbane Coffee Catering provide everything you need for the day; from milk, award winning coffee, sugar and great looking cups!

 We believe in delivering a great service therefore can work to any budget!

Option 1

We can just turn up and let the customers pay per cup!!!

This is a great option for School Fetes, Markets and Festivals.

Any School Fete we will donate 0.50 cents from every cup back to the school.

 Think this is great value? It is!! We are prepared to offer value for money. We do not cut corners and deliver our promise.

As all requirements are different please email in your enquiry for an accurate price.


 Option 2

Prices start from and include all milk, soy, coffee, cups, syrups, sugar, chai, tea and hot chocolate!

* Half day Cart Hire plus 1 Barista (4 hrs) plus up to 100 Coffees $795.00

* Full day Cart Hire plus 1 Barista (8 hrs) plus up to 100 Coffees $1,195.00

* Over 100 coffees please add $3.25 per cup.

* Extra Barista please add $85 per hr.

We can offer better options depending on your requirements. Please call 1300 930 114 to discuss your requirements.









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8 thoughts on “Pricing

  1. Griffith Sport are hosting the Toohey Trail Run on Sunday 11th October at the Griffith University Nathan Campus. This fun run is in aid for the Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, with a percentage of entry fees being donated to this great charity.

    We would like to invite you to attend the event to sell your products to participants and spectators. We are expecting 400 competitors to participate, plus bring along their family and friends to wait for them at the finish line! (which is where you would be located).

    Trading hours at this stage would probably be 5:30am – 9:30am. Both races commence at 6:30am, with the awards ceremony taking place at 8:45am.

    Please let me know if you have any questions. If you could let me know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending, that would be greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi,

    I was just wanting to enquire about have a coffee cart/stand after my wedding ceremony on the 1st July 2016? It would only be half hour – an hour. The wedding is being held in Malaney. I noticed the prices only came in half or full days -can you do only an hour?


  3. Please let me know how much hire would be for a party of around 40 people for approx 2 hours.
    Date is 14/02/16 at midday.
    Please can you also send details of drinks menu available.

  4. Hello
    Can you please provide a quotation to hire a coffee cart and 2xbaristas for 3-4 hours for a career fair at University of Queensland, in March (date to be confirmed)?
    The cart would be part of our stall, we would just provide standard coffees ie caps or hot choc – no modifications or cold drinks, teas etc).

    There will likely be a couple of hundred students in attendance, so potentially over 100 coffees.


  5. Hi
    I know this is not in your pricing structure, but would you be interested in doing a deal. Could you do MAX 50 coffees over 1.5hours for $187.50.
    Private party for my son this Sunday. 50 people coming. 2:30-4pm. We live in banyo.

  6. Hi, I would like to inquire about having a mobile coffee cart come to a church event we are having in several weeks. It would be on May 29th for about an hour and a half in the morning. We will have 300-400 people there and would be interested in option 2. Could you please let me know if this would be a possibility? Thanks, Lauren McKnight

  7. Spoke just with Andy whom stated that prices advertised are not updated and that they have changed for a while. Was trying to get pricing and while having in mind what I perceived was pricing and when questioning website update, he stated “don’t worry about it and Hang up”

    This is more an FYI of a service but also if you are in early stages of understanding prices don’t go by what is advertised as this seems to be FALSE information.

    Also when you trying to understand a bit better you might get that phone call release.

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